Avoiding Heartache: A Fun Guide to Spotting Red Flags in Men

Avoiding Heartache: A Fun Guide to Spotting Red Flags in Men

The Heartbreak Hunters’ Guide: 5 Red Flags to Spot Your
Next Mistake

Hunting for love can be a dangerous game – one wrong move and
your heart ends up as roadkill on the highway of heartache.

But fear not, brave
lover, for I have compiled a field guide to help you identify the predators
lurking among the potential mates.

1. The Ghost in the Machine

If his online presence is as elusive as a yeti sighting, be
very afraid.

A man who hides behind a virtual veil is likely concealing a
sordid past, a jealous ex, or a secret family – the kind that tends to come
back and bite you in the heart.

2. The Smooth Criminal

Oh, he’s charming alright – a real silver-tongued devil.

But beware the guy whose words flow like honey; his sweet nothings are usually the prelude to getting something *he* wants, whether it’s your attention, your
affection, or access to your bank account.

3. The Serial Monogamist

If he hops from one serious relationship to the next with all the grace of a plummeting sky-diver, you might be dealing with a man who’s incapable of being alone.

And trust me, you don’t want to be the landing pad for his next leap of faith.

4. Fickle Foodie

A man who is picky about everything that goes into his mouth
is probably picky about the women he allows in as well.

Inflexibility in the kitchen is a red flag that he may be inflexible in other areas of life – and that’s not the kind of rigidity you want in a partner.

5. The Allergic Avoider

Dates get canceled at the last minute. Plans get blown off

If he’s more elusive than a Bigfoot sighting, it’s time to face facts
– this guy is allergic to commitment, and you’re the one who’s going to end up
with the hives.

So there you have it, brave hunter – the top 5 red flags to
watch out for in the wild, wild world of dating. Heed these warnings, and you
just might avoid being the next addition to the heartbreak hall of fame.


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